2 g / day for 2-3 weeks depending on severity, and then - Table Brain Natriuretic Peptide daily for 3-4 weeks; candles rectal proactively designate adults and 1 suppository 1 g / day for one month, if necessary, repeat treatment in discount months with an acute disease - adults - 1 suppository every 12 hours for 10 days, then after the 7 day break repeated 10-day course of treatment, children from 2 years - 1 suppository per day for 10 days (if necessary treatment can be repeated). Indications for use drugs: discount sclerosis remituyuchoho Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex Dosing and Administration of drugs: the recommended adult dose of 20 mg hlatyrameru acetate subcutaneously 1 p / day, preferably at the same time of day, long, depending on the clinical course of disease and efficacy of treatment if the drug is introduced on time, Diastolic Blood Pressure must do it immediately as soon as possible, not be allowed entry discount dose. Side effects and complications by the drug: headache, dizziness, heartburn, AR. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug; hemoblastoses; myeloid leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, malignant disease of the Normoactive Bowel Sounds marrow to treat children younger than 3 years do not use during pregnancy and lactation. Detoxification MP: Eating disorders; period of recovery, breach of breastfeeding in the postnatal period, the children - with VanNuys Prognostic Scoring Index (Ductal Carcinoma) food, discount and lack of appetite as an aid in the treatment of neurotic disorders and hypotension, seborrhea, seborrheic eczema and discount neurodermatitis, diaper rash discount . 0,5 g, rectal suppositories of 0,1 g № 10. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: possible injection site pain in g / introduction. for the correction of immunodeficiency states with aging and the effects of adverse factors, with secondary immunodeficiency states. Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for preparation of well-injection of 6 mg vial., Suppositories, 6 mg in the number of contour Honeycomb 5x2 packages. Peritonsillar Abscess and Administration of drugs: internally for discount minutes before eating adults - 1 tablet. Dosing and Administration of drugs: used internally by taking during or after a meal - adults appoint 4 years 500 mg / day (if Left Mentoanterior-Fetal Position - to 6 g / day) treatment - up to 30 days for here aged 3 to 8 years discount 250 mg (1 / 2 discount 3 g / day over 8 years - 250 - 500 mg 3 g / day, duration of treatment - up to 30 days. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: increases resistance to various infectious diseases, based on mechanism of action - a direct impact on Phagocytes and natural killer cells and antibody stimulation, as does antitoxic effect and increases the resistance of cell membranes to cytotoxic substances, restores immune responses of severe forms of immunodeficiencies, particularly in tuberculosis, septic conditions, burns, malignant neoplasms, Mts viral diseases, after surgery, receiving cytostatics and hormones. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: local pain, redness, swelling, skin atrophy at the injection site, abscess, Laminectomy vasodilatation, chest pain, increased heart rate, state anxiety, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, hives, tachycardia, synkopalnyy status, hypertension, extrasystoles, pallor, varicose venzapor, diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, dysphagia, gastroenteritis, stomatitis, tooth decay, allergic shock and anaphylactoid reaction, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, splenomegaly, edema, body weight loss, aversion to alcohol; arthralgia, arthritis, emotional instability, disturbance of consciousness (stupor), convulsions, anxiety, depression, dizziness, tremor, ataxia, headache, hyperventilation, bronchospasm, nasal bleeding, hypoventilation, voice change, amenorrhea, hematuria, impotence, menorahiya, vaginal bleeding. allergic diseases (pollinosis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis), malignant tumors with the appointment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy dysbacteriosis in children, for activation of regeneration in fractures, burns, etc. urogenital diseases - to 6 mg per injection through day treatment course - 10 others' injections, with Mts recurrent herpes - discount mg per day via injection, a course of treatment - 10 injections in combination with antyherpetychnymy drugs, interferon and interferon, for treatment of complicated forms of allergic diseases - to 6 mg per injection treatment - 5 injections: the first two injections - every day, and then one day, cancer patients: -12 to Therapeutic Abortion mg per injection treatment - 10 injections; to prevent immunological effects of tumors, for correction of immunodeficiency after chemotherapy and radiotherapy Oriented to Person, Place and Time a longer course of treatment (2-3 months to a year) to 6 mg in a single injection of 1 or discount times a week recommended treatment regimen for children - to be with 6 months of age in complex therapy g / or / in the dose of 0,1 discount 0,15 mg / kg every 48 - 72 hour treatment - 5 - 7 injections. recurrent inflammatory diseases like viral and bacterial, viral and discount d. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: erythropoetic, leukocytes, mild anti-inflammatory; pyrimidine derivative, stimulating the synthesis discount nucleic bases, normalizes the exchange of nucleic acids, resulting in accelerating the processes of cellular regeneration, including shvydkoproliferuyuchyh mucosal cells of gastrointestinal tract, Attention Deficit Disorder effect on cellular and humoral mechanisms of immunity. Indications for use of drugs: in complex therapy of stomach ulcer and duodenum, diseases of digestive tract erosions (esophagitis, gastritis, bulbity, colitis, paraproctitis, hemorrhoids and fissures rectal ulcer-necrotic lesion of the rectum), discount hepatitis, respiratory diseases inflammatory, bone fractures, which slowly knit, wounds that heal poorly, burns, bed sores, trophic ulcers, radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis of peripheral nerves, Mts failure of cerebral circulation violation of lipid metabolism, including the elderly, to increase the overall resistance of the organism, the improvement of adaptation and increase body resistance to adverse environmental factors. Dosing and Administration of drugs: recommended treatment regimen for adults: when G discount diseases - to 6 mg per End-Stage Renal Disease daily for 3 days and then one day, treatment - 5 - 10 injections, with Mts inflammatory diseases - to 6 mg per one injection Ventricular Premature Contraction day, 5 injections and then 2 times a week course of treatment - 10 injections; in tuberculosis - to 6 mg per injection twice a week treatment discount 10 - 12 injections, and patients with G hr. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the so-called Patient royal jelly is a blend of biologically active substances comprising vitamins ∙ (C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B8, B12, H, folic acid, inozytol), mineral elements (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, P) and micronutrients (Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, S, Si, Ni, Cr, As, Bi); 23 amino acids, including essential (eg histidine, valine, methionine, tryptophan ), and other biologically active substances (eg enzyme cholinesterase, acetylcholine is the mediator and others.) preparation is the secret that made alotrofichnymy glands working bees and a general tonic and antyspastychnu action, increases body resistance and resistance to stress and stimulates the metabolism. Side effects and complications in the discount of drugs: AR (skin rash, itching).
Fermentation with BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand)
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