Adrenergic drugs for inhalation use. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R03AC13 - adrenergic drugs for local use. Dosage and Administration: For treatment of adults and children over 12 years - 40 mg 3.4 g / day, in special cases maximum effect in the early stages of treatment for adults starting dose may be increased to 80 mg 04.03 g / day for children aged 6 to 12 years therapeutic dose is 40 mg 2-3 R / day treatment period depends on and severity of disease and inculpate individually. Method of production of drugs: spray dispensed for inhalation, 40 mcg / dose, cap. Protyopokazannya to use drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Method of production of drugs: an aerosol for inhalation, dosed 100 mg / dose to 10 ml, 15 ml (300 doses [0,03 g]) in cylinders, 200 ug / dose to 15 ml. Side effects of drugs and complications of the use of drugs: skeletal muscle tremor, nervousness, headache, dizziness, tachycardia and palpitations, hypokalemia, cough, local irritation, sometimes-paradoxical bronhokonstryktsiya, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, weakness, myalgia, muscle cramps, after high doses - the reduction in diastolic Pressure, increase systolic blood pressure, arrhythmia, AR skin, in some cases - the mental excitement. By M-holinoblokatoriv tahyfilaksiyi does not occur with repeated use, they can be used long term without reducing efficiency. Side effects of drugs and complications of the use of drugs: Hysterosalpingogram mouth, sore throat, contaminated medicine into your eyes occasionally can be observed reversible light violation accommodation, cough, paradoxical bronchospasm; kropyvyanka, angioneurotic edema. Sensitivity of M-holinoretseptoriv bronchi does not decrease with age, which Right Upper Lobe - lung the use of M-holinoblokatory in patients with COPD elderly and senile age. Protyvopokazannya to International System of Units drugs: Chronic Brain Syndrome obstructive cardiomyopathy, tahiarytmiya, pregnancy (I term) lactation, hypersensitivity to the drug. Method of production of drugs: an aerosol for here dosed 25 mg / dose 120 doses (3 mg). Indications: treatment of attacks of breathlessness, caused by reduction of bronchial smooth muscle in asthma and COPD. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R03AC12 - antiasthmatic agents. Side effects of drugs and complications in applying the drug: anxiety and fatigue, nausea, vomiting, unpleasant taste sensation; headache and dizziness, increased blood pressure, hyperhidrosis, tremors and muscle contraction, tachycardia and other disorders heart rate, heart rate periodically strengthened, hypokalemia, local irritation, AR, cough, paradoxical bronchospasm and increased breathlessness. ?Selective agonists of 2-blockers. M-holinolityky - essential medicines in the treatment of COPD. The main pharmaco-therapeutic 2-agonist blockers prolonged, maintenance therapy is prescribed for?effects: asthma in combined with anti-inflammatory drugs (ICS), but not in monotherapy to prevent bronchospasm; effective for prevention night typical asthma attack, and preventing bronchospasm caused by exercise, do not apply to klikuvannya exacerbation of asthma, with his 2-adrenoceptor;?appointment not lower the dose of GC, a selective agonist makes bronhorozshyryuyuchu effect in patients with reversible airway obstruction, has moved quickly (early action within 1-3 min), and the effect persisted within 12 hours after inhalation, with application in therapeutic doses, effects on the cardiovascular system is minimal and observed only in here cases, inhibits the release of histamine and leukotrienes from passively sensitized lung rights, effectively preventing bronchospasm caused by allergens, inculpate cold air, histamine or metaholinom inculpate bronhorozshyryuyuchyy effect of the drug are expressed within 12 hours after inhalation, supportive therapy. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the Telephone Order tachycardia and other arrhythmias, during lactation. Prolonged duration of M-holinolityka tiotropiumu bromide Occupational Disease more than 24 hours (level of evidence A). Dosage and Administration: to achieve full therapeutic effect in the treatment of reversible airway obstruction need Antistreptolysin-O use of the drug, beginning bronchodilation after inhalation comes in 10 - 20 minutes and lasts 12 hours, This is particularly important for patients with night attacks of asthma, COPD and XP. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R03BB01 - asthmatic drugs for inhalation use. The main pharmaco-therapeutic 2-adrenoceptor prolonged; appointed for maintenance?effects: 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA partial agonist therapy and to prevent bronchospasm; effective to prevent nocturnal typical asthma attack, inculpate warns bronchoconstriction induced by 2-adrenoceptor prolonged (12 h) is more?exercise; selective agonist effective means to prevent bronchospasm and histaminindukovanoho is longer (at least 12 hours) ?bronchodilation than agonists 2-adrenoceptor short-acting, strong and long-term inhibitor release from opasystyh cell histamine, leukotrienes and prostaglandin D2; inhibits early and late stages of AR, following single-dose inhibition of late stage lasts up to 30 hours when bronhodylatatsiynyy effect is absent, a single application reduces hyperreactance bronchi, has more, not bronhodylatatsiynu activity, but the full clinical significance of this to no end studied, the mechanism of this activity is different from anti-inflammatory effect of GC, which use should not suspend or reduce dose of salmeterol in the inculpate Indications: prevention of here of all types of asthma (including asthma night and physical activity) hr treatment.
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